
BRC Freezer Burritos

The Bean, Rice, and Cheese Burrito.  Mmmmmmmm.

If you are anything like me you're busy.  Very very busy.  Around my house this was translating into too many trips to our favorite neighborhood Taqueria for their delicious burritos.  They're cheap and quick, we like that.  The problem is, as delicious as they are, those burritos are simply not good for us.  Enter the alternative.  You can make as many or as few of these as you like so if (in the unlikely event) you have leftovers of the Mexican Rice you can make a few of these to throw in the freezer for later, or you can do what I'm doing here and make a bunch to keep on hand.

For this recipe I'm using canned refried beans though it's on my list to come up with a good way to make these at home.  I like to use the vegetarian beans because they don't have lard added to them.  Also, I'm using store bought tortillas.  Tortilla brands vary widely so if you don't already have a favorite test out several (over time of course) and see which you like best.  I have found that the more authentic they are the less creasing and tearing you have when rolling the burritos.  As for the cheese, well who doesn't love cheese.  This time I used a Medium Cheddar but I would have been just as happy using a Sharp Cheddar or a Pepper Jack.

One Batch of Mexican Rice
One Large Can of Refried Beans (30oz)
1.5-2 Tbsp. Water
10-12 Burrito Sized Tortillas
1/2 to 3/4 lb. Cheddar or Pepper Jack Cheese
Freezer Paper
Masking Tape

This is so easy to set up while the rice is cooking.  Open the can of beans and put them into a bowl or pot.  Add a little bit of water, about 1.5-2 tablespoons, and stir with a sturdy spoon to bring them to a smoother consistency.  No need to heat them since you're not eating them now.  Grate the cheese.

Now set up your assembly line.  I like to use a cutting board as my base.  As you can see, I didn't take anything far from the stove.  Lay down a tortilla, scoop on some beans, and top with cheese.  Yep, it's that easy.

I realize now I should have taken a picture of the rest of this process.  I'll try to add one later.  Fold in both sides of the tortilla and roll it all into a burrito.  Once that's done place it on the shiny side of a piece of Freezer Paper and wrap it.  I wrap it just like a little present.  After your first couple of burritos you'll know exactly how much paper you need to use.  (I used a wide roll of paper this time and found it easier to pull a long piece then cut it in half.)  Seal with a piece of masking tape and label the outside.  Put the finished burritos into a Freezer Bag.

To warm them up:

Freezer paper has a very thin plastic coating on it and nobody wants that covering their burrito!!

I'm a realist.  If you are taking these to work, are in a hurry, or simply find yourself starving when you get home from the bar at 2am, the microwave is how this reheating event is going down.  Simply remove your little bundle of deliciousness from the wrapper and place on a microwave safe plate.  A mere 2-3 minutes should get you where you want to be.

The preferred method (at least for me) is to put them in the oven at about 350 for about 20-30 minutes.  I've seen them in ours on trays, on baking racks, and just tossed in on the oven rack atop a piece of Parchment Paper.   Enjoy!!

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