
Jamaican Jerk Chicken Sandwiches

This sandwich is great, in fact, the only person I've made it for gave it the, "It's awesome!" and wanted me to make it again the next day.  I have to agree.  It's so quick and easy to put together and is really a total meal, though some sort of salad would go along with it nicely.

I used a store bought Jamaican Jerk Sauce  to marinate the chicken.  I may or may not look into making my own sauce at some point, but for now it sounds like an awful lot of work unless I'm going to do some canning to preserve my efforts.  I recommend you check the ingredients and find a nice quality sauce (here is one that looks pretty good to me).  A lot of the sauces I've looked at have high fructose corn syrup as the first or second ingredient.  Nobody wants that.  In fact, I don't want to see it anywhere in the ingredients list.  I have no idea where the sauce I used came from because it was a gift, but I have a sneaking suspicion it was either Trader Joe's or Cost Plus World Market.

Use nice buns.  The importance of nice buns is too often overlooked.

I marinated the chicken for about a day, 4 hours would be plenty, but the longer the better.  Best to just throw the chicken in a plastic bag, cover with sauce and toss in the refrigerator. 

I used the barbecue for this, but if you don't have one an indoor grill would do just as well.  If you don't have either cook it in the oven. I think no matter how you cook this chicken it's going to taste good.

2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
Jamaican Jerk Sauce
One Can Pineapple Slices (Rings)
2 Jalapenos
2 Nice Buns

Start up the grill and bring it to a medium or medium high heat.  When the grill is warm put the chicken on.  Flip the meat at about 10 minutes.  At this point also put your pineapple rounds on the grill, I put them along the edge so they don't get charred and flip them after about 5-7 minutes.  Continue cooking the chicken until the juices run clear and the internal temperature is 165 degrees F (75 C).  For safety I recommend  using a meat thermometer of some sort.  A basic model is fine, but I do kind of lust over the wireless thermometers that sound an alarm when the desired temperature is reached.      

While the meat is cooking prepare the jalapenos.  I wanted a lot of the flavor and not so much of the heat from these so I removed the seeds and veins and sliced the peppers. 

The rest is up to you:
Toast your buns if you like.
A light layer of mayonnaise is nice, but not necessary.
Put it all together. 
Top with more Jerk Sauce or put some on your plate for dipping.

1 comment:

  1. Use nice buns. The importance of nice buns is too often overlooked.
