
Killer Burgers

You can live believing that a burger is a burger, but it's only going to leave you sad and lonely. That's not a threat, it's a fact. But don't despair, I'm here to help. And as always, you'll be a hero with a minimal amount of work. Win.

A Couple of Things:
Meat. The quality of the meat is what is going to give you total satisfaction. If you skimp and settle for the easy-to-get meat you're likely to regret it. I hate to be a stickler, and I may go off about this from time to time, but it's time to face the facts, good ingredients are the key to your food being awesome. Buy your meat from a local butcher whenever possible, if they use local meats all the better. And in case you missed the Jamaican Jerk lesson, never underestimate the importance of nice buns.

Any 2:1 ratio of beef to Italian sausage will work, this recipe would make nine 1/3 lb. (pre-cooked weight) burgers. I made them this big for a BBQ for friends and even though everyone was stuffed and in a food induced zombie-like state afterward, they ate them. Next time I might make them a little smaller, but I fear there may be a revolt.

2 lbs. Ground Beef
1 lb. Ground Italian Sausage
2 Eggs
1/4 C Bread Crumbs
1/3 Bunch of Parsley
Blue Cheese
Buns and Toppings As You See Fit

Allow the meat to rest out of the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Put all of the ingredients in a bowl and use your hands to combine them. Don't be shy, really get in there and mix it up, but be careful not to mash it into paste. Form into patties.

Grill to your liking and add the cheese just a few minutes before you're ready to pull them from the grill. Serve to your friends and loved ones.



  1. Drool. Yeah, gonna try these too.

  2. I'm going to have to try the beef and sausage combo. I will sometimes mix chuck and sirloin to make the ground beef. (You can"grind" them in a food processor if you can't find them ground already.)
