
Raspberry Cobbler

This cobbler is so easy to make it almost feels like cheating.  I brought this to a dinner party and it was a hit!  I didn't get a great picture because I was simply too busy enjoying good friends and good food around an outdoor fire. I promise you, it's as beautiful as it is delicious!!


Hello Whiskers!!

Sorry I haven't had a post in a bit.  I've been out of town, but I'm back now and there will be a couple of great recipes up this week!


Lawnmower Cookies

Breaking your lawnmower at the end of June is not exactly good timing, everyone is busy, including the repair shop.  After a couple of no-shows by people I had hired on Craigslist the yard was starting to get a little bit overgrown, and on my street the look of  your lawn determines your neighborhood status.  Enter my awesome neighbor. For the month of July he mowed my lawn. (Insert awkward pause.) No, really, the grass looked great and I was able to maintain my "average" status without slipping into the "oh, they must be renters" category. Well, It's August now. The mower is fixed and has resumed it's job of hogging up about a quarter of my garage, and sadly, there is no more need for someone to do my lawn for me. 

It was time to come up with an appropriate thank you for the neighbor and what better for a married man with a couple of young boys than cookies.  These are really called Ultimate Chocolate Chippers and are from  The All-American Cookie Book, a great resource with an overly patriotic name.


Sweet Chili Chicken

I honestly don't really know where this one came from.  I remember seeing something like it sometime in the last year, but with the way my memory seems to work this is either an exact replica or it's a combination of about four things that I somehow merged together.  Anyway, It's good.  It's not spicy yet still has good flavor.  Put it over some rice and you've got yourself a meal.


Beef on Weck

 Unless you're from New York, or specifically western New York you've probably never heard of Kummelweck bread.  I know I hadn't.  One of my housemates is from Buffalo, and a little while back she was on a mission to find one of these sandwiches.  It never happened so I started doing my homework, and I'm so happy I did!  This is an amazing sandwich, so delicious!!

Roast Beef With Red Wine Au Jus

The Garlic Horseradish Crust is Amazing!
I've never made roast beef before.  Don't get my wrong I've had my share, and I always enjoy it, but it just never occurred to me to make it myself.  This is a lovely dish, it's full of flavor, and would be great with some steamed vegetables or potatoes.  My inspiration for making this was the Beef on Weck sandwich so if you're not making this for that reason I highly recommend making enough for leftovers so you can try that as well.  The Au Jus is mandatory if you're going to make the sandwich, otherwise it's just highly recommended.


Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake

It was almost a week ago now that I was having a few beers with my friend Mikey when he said to me, "Oh hey, I have rhubarb in my garden for you.  You can make something for your blog."  Of course I was excited because, at least that I can remember, I've never made anything with rhubarb.  Then he tells me, "Oh, I also have this rhubarb recipe out of the New York Times, an upside-down cake, maybe you can make that?"  I'm a couple of beers in at this point so I give him a, "Hell yeah!" and we carry on.