
I'mmmm baaaack!!

Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've been active with the blog. So much has happened and as it goes some things were pushed to the back burner. I promise it's not indicative of my love for you or my love for cooking!  

I'm in the process of typing up my first recipe for the blog in a long time. I've just learned that I need to be (at least mostly) gluten-free and sugar free, but I'm still committed to making food for "regular" people too! I'm definitely going to be working on becoming a master GF/SF baker! More to come on that..

My web url was "stolen" from me when I was in the process of changing it from one company to another (I was so naive about how these things work.. lesson learned!) so we're going to just keep it all here on blogspot for now.

If you have any requests or want me to convert a recipe from it's natural state to something that caters to your dietary needs I'm up for the challenge, just send me a message anytime! See you soon!

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