
Raspberry Cobbler

This cobbler is so easy to make it almost feels like cheating.  I brought this to a dinner party and it was a hit!  I didn't get a great picture because I was simply too busy enjoying good friends and good food around an outdoor fire. I promise you, it's as beautiful as it is delicious!!

A Couple of things:
I used a large pie plate for this, but you could easily use a baking dish.  If your dish is shallow play it safe and put it on a baking sheet in case it bubbles over. You could add a touch of vanilla to this and it would be quite good, but I really wanted to keep the fruit flavor pure so I didn't.  This cobbler really showcases the flavor of the berries, if you're looking for something sweeter sprinkle 1/4 to 1/2 C sugar over the berries before putting it in the oven.


4 Tbsp. Butter (1/2 Stick)
3/4 C Milk
1 Egg
1 C Sugar
1 C Flour
1 1/2 Tsp. Baking Powder
3 C Raspberries (Rinsed)


Set the oven to 350 F to preheat with the butter in the dish so it can melt.

In a medium bowl mix the milk, egg, sugar, flour, and baking powder. This is easy work, use a whisk or a wooden spoon, no need to break out the mixer.

About now the oven should be almost to temperature and the butter should be melted.  If not give it a couple minutes until the butter is completely melted, then you're ready to go.

Pour the batter into the dish over the butter, don't stir or mix it, just pour it in.

Pour the berries over the batter.  Again, no stirring or mixing, just put them on top of the batter.

Put in the oven and bake for 45-60 minutes.  It will have a golden brown color and the sides will just start to separate from the dish when it's ready.


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